God loves you and right now He is at the point of your need. This is a statement that needs to be shared with everyone. There are people all over the world who are looking for God to do something in their lives and because they can’t see Him they lose hope. I am here to tell you, don’t lose hope because that statement is very much true. God loves you and He is right there right now and waiting for your acceptance, your surrender to Him.
You don’t have to do anything other than just say yes. God loves you so very much and regardless of your situation or your need He is ready to touch you. God is ready to pour out into your life more than you could ever possibly understand or dream of. God loves you so much that He gave His only Son just for you. It is personal and you are the person He is looking at. I am the one He is looking at. John Doe is the person He is looking at. It makes no difference who you are, what your name is, He is looking at you. Jesus died so that you would have life and have it to the fullest. Jesus died so that you would have health, that you would have peace, that you would have hope. Jesus is nothing more than a whisper away. Call out to Him and He will be there and ready to be with you. It is high time that we get out of ourselves and turn to the one who loves us more. We need to learn to surrender and leave our troubles with Christ. We need to understand that we cannot do anything. There is a scripture in the bible Matthew 19:26 that says, “for man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”. For man and that means you and me it is impossible. No matter how hard we try or how much we want it there is no way it can be done by human means, only God can make things happen. He spoke the world into existence and when He was done He said it was good. He breathed life into man and when He had finished He said it was good. God is right there right now and He is ready. Your need is right there and right now and that is what God wants to take from you. He wants you to surrender your need to Him and not pick it up and drag it all over with you. That is His desire for us to just surrender. He wants us to depend on him and leave everything with him. Sometimes it takes some of us a whole lot longer to figure this out, but when I heard that quote I knew. I have carried things around for a long time and by releasing them to Him, life changed and changed for the better. It is not that I don’t have problems, because I do, it is just that I have learned that Jesus is the answer and He says yes. God loves you more than you can ever understand and He proved it when He gave His Son for you. When He did that He was telling you that He was there and that He was right at the point of your need.
If I may share just for a moment, I believe that most people are giving the enemy way too much credit for the things that are going on in their lives. Everyone wants God to intervene in their lives but they do not hesitate to tell others of how bad things are going. Giving this kind of credit only prolongs what God is going to do anyway. Satan has no idea what we are thinking and he will never know unless we voice what is on our mind. Satan can tempt us, he can make things visible to us that can turn distract us, but he has no idea of our thoughts and he never will. I can think of many times in my life that everything was going totally wrong and many times I just wanted to give up, but there was this small voice inside of me that kept on saying press in, keep going. I know that voice and I know that it is not the voice of the evil one, it is the voice of God. Even though I am a Christian and I have surrendered my entire life to God, I still have trials. I will always have trials, you will always have trials no one is exempt. The one thing that I can tell you is what the bible says, We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Once you have spoken what is on your mind then it is too late, you can’t take it back, you can’t suck it back into your mouth like it never happened. This is not a cartoon, this is for very real life and we need to learn how to stand up for ourselves and stop giving the devil free run in our lives. I know it is very hard to do because things just keep going on and most situations don’t change overnight but I really believe with all of my heart when you surrender your life, your entire life over to Christ things begin to change. When you begin to take your thoughts captive and if you know that they are not from God and you say in the Name of Jesus I am not going there, God hears that and He removes that thought from your mind. I have had similar things happen and deep down inside I know that I shouldn’t do it, or I know that it is not right, I speak in the Name of Jesus and it goes away. I like to call it the ten second rule. You have ten seconds from the time you think it or do it to make a decision. Is this from God or not? Should I do this or say this or not? In that ten seconds you can either give glory to God or you can destroy what He has put inside of you. Try it and you will understand what I mean. The first time I did tried it I thought it was the most unnatural thing I had ever done, but it worked. Somehow some way it worked! I know amazing right?
Just think God actually hears what you are thinking and turns things around in your life, what a concept. God has only one thing for you and that is to love you in ways you can never think of, in fact he loves you so much that he is willing to take all of the unnatural things out of your life and make them obedient to himself. God wants you to have so much more than you can even dream of. Start by not giving any more credit to the evil one and begin to give God all of the glory and the honor and you will see the change. The ultimate sacrifice for you happened two thousand years ago when Jesus Christ gave his life on the cross just for you and I. You realize that he could have called ten thousand angels to rescue him but his love for you was far more important than his own life. He died that your sins would be forgiven and this very day he stands as a mediator between you and his Father. God says you are guilty, but Jesus says yes they are but I died in their place so they could be forgiven and set free. So your heavenly attorney is Jesus Christ and when you understand how much God loves him then you will understand how much he loves you. I will be praying for all of you and interceding on your behalf that God will intervene in your life and change you forever. That he will heal you, set you free and return all that the enemy has taken from you. This is your day and today is your day. Say yes to Jesus. We may never know why God takes one life and yet gives another or why the evil in the world is allowed to run rampant while the small and innocent are injured in ways it could affect their lives forever. We do not know nor will we ever understand the answer to that question but we should understand that we are not God. God allows things to happen for a reason and though we do not understand that reason, we know by reading the bible it is for his glory and his purpose.
I have heard the same question asked many times before, why do bad things happen to good people. I do not know. The only thing I can do is to pray and to trust in his judgment. He has everything in control regardless of the situation and he is just asking that we trust him. Bad things do happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people as well, and though we do not understand, there is a lesson in what happened. I do not understand how a lesson can be learned from an accident or a sickness but I do understand having faith, that God will be in control. I am not sure why we always wait until something bad happens or there is a disaster but we do and we break down, fall on our knees, and begin to ask God to intervene. We go about our everyday lives and never give God a second thought until something happens when we should have been interceding all along without even know why. Smith Wigglesworth once said, “I never pray longer than five minutes but I never go longer than five minutes without praying”. We are capable of leading a prayer-filled life but we always seem to let the world dictate how and when we actually do that. Our lives get busy and we think we can pray later but later never comes. We should be in prayer and interceding for our family and our friends on a regular basis whether things are good or bad because you never know when something is going to happen. I am just as guilty as anybody about not interceding for family and friends and may God forgive me for doing that. I repent of not following through with my prayer life. I also repent of allowing the world to dictate my time. I know God forgives me and I know that he will forgive me every time but I need to put that behind me and move forward. My ranting is warranted or at least in my eyes, it is and I ask God to forgive me for it, but today my little great niece was kicked in the head by a horse and she is in trauma care right now. My prayer was that God would reach down right now and touch her little body and heal her in the Name of Jesus. A prayer of desperation maybe but somehow I know that he will answer my prayer (a lesson learned). I know that he heard the prayer and I believe that when he hears it he answers it. The evil one has no hold on us when we surrender and release our lives to Jesus Christ. The outcome of the injury to my great niece is entirely up to God and I place her in his mighty hands as I continue to pray. When we can make a decision to surrender to God totally and completely we will see the miraculous happen in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends. Every one of us have those we know and love going through something in their lives and we want to see them healed set free or whatever. All we have to understand is that God loves them far more than we do and if we will ask he will hear. We must believe in our hearts and not give in to the lies of the evil one. We will see results and God will prevail. Hear this word! God says to turn your lives over to him and allow him to rule your life. He wants you to know how much he loves you and cares for you and if you will release your life to him, you will see results. Jesus says that I am your light and I will light your path to keep you on the right path. God says I love you and I love you so much that I gave my Son just for you. I wonder why God has not heard my prayer and why doesn’t He answer me? Ever heard that question or asked that question yourself? As for me I have. I have not only heard it but have asked it several times. Then I read the bible and the bible gives me the answer I am looking for.
I am an Evangelist. I believe in divine healing. I believe that when you ask God you will receive. I believe that sometimes the answer is no. Oops what did I say, the answer is no? Exactly what I said the answer is NO. We don’t always get our way. We are going to have problems or trials as the bible puts it. We are going to have sickness and death. We are going to have a need for finances and maybe even lose everything. But whatever the situation is, God tells us to trust Him. God never promised that we would not have problems. God never said that we will not have needs. God said trust in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. God said be still and know that I am God. I think the reason we have so many problems is because we are not willing to completely trust in Him. I think that we are unable to totally trust in Him for our needs. It is not because we don’t want to, it is because we don’t know how to. We say we do but when push comes to shove we really don’t. I really think we don’t believe God can do it, or we really don’t believe that He will do it for us. We need to be positive when we speak and positive in our beliefs. The bible says that God called those things that are not as though they were. It says He spoke to those bones and they came to life. Jesus says that the things He did on this earth we too would do but even greater. If I remember what I read, Jesus healed the sick, brought the dead back to life. So if He said we would be able to do that also then maybe just maybe it is what He wants us to do. We need to get rid of the negative in our lives and when we speak we need to speak knowing that we will receive. I know that all of this is hard to do but we can’t give up, we need to keep pressing in and moving forward. We need to allow our faith to kick in and stop looking around at what the world is doing. When we take our eyes off of the world and place them on Jesus we are going to see some mighty changes. Miracles happen when we stop thinking about the world and start thinking about God. I know that some will continue to go on and never see the things God can do but it is not because they weren’t told, it was because they did not want to listen. The bible warns us that there will be those who will not accept Him and for them all we can do is pray. They have been told and now it is between them and God not you and them. The only person you need to consider is you. God wants to do in your life. He wants to heal you, He wants to provide for you, He just wants to do for you and the only thing He asks in return is that you love Him. For those who don’t believe and say that they will never believe the only thing I can say is pray for them and may God have mercy on their souls should anything happen to them. Trust in God and you will never go wrong and you will have a covering when you do go through the trials of life. You will come out the other side of the problems stronger and know a lot more than you did when you went in. Gold is not pure until it is refined; you are not pure until you are refined. He is the potter and you are the clay and He will mold you and make you that person you were made to be. Let me introduce you to a man I met while ministering in the largest prison in the Philippines. He is an Australian and over three months ago he was arrested with another man for human trafficking. The story goes or as he told it, he had just gotten the cab and the cab driver put three underage girls in the car with them. About the time that was done the police showed up and this man was arrested with the cab driver. The three under-aged girls were released and free to return to their homes. Human trafficking is a very large problem in the Philippines and for whatever reason or for whatever excuse this man would have, it would be better to walk away than to continue to stay in the situation.
So what is it about this man from Australia that is so different? First of all he is the only white man inside the prison and therefore at a greater risk. Second it is not the fact that he did or did not do what he was accused of, but it is the fact that he has gone over three months without a trial of any kind. I don’t have an opinion of whether the man is innocent or guilty and my only reason for telling you this story is so you can see how God intervenes in people’s lives regardless of where they are, and that is exactly what happened to this man. He does have a name and that is Hilton Monroe. Hilton approached me after I had spoken to over one thousand men in the chapel/mess hall. He told me in a short story that he was brought up in the church and that at an early age he walked away because he felt he could run his life better than God. For some years he said that everything went along OK and he was doing all right for himself. Then came the day he was arrested and his whole world crashed down around him. He said he had been searching for answers or at the very least some kind of hope for his life. He told me that as I spoke about how much God loves each and every person how something inside of him was telling him to come and see me. After the service he came to me and told me this story and a door was opened by God. I told Hilton that no matter what he had done or where he had gone when he walked away, God was ready to meet him right where he was. I told him that God has forgiven him and that He wanted him to return. Hilton told me that there was no way God could love him for what he was accused of. Again, I was able to tell him, God loves you more Hilton and He loves you so much that one day He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for his sins and that he was forgiven. Hilton’s eyes began to swell with tears as I continued to speak to him and I could sense the power of God beginning to work in his life. I asked Hilton if he had ever surrendered his life to God and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He told me he had never actually asked God he thought it was if he only did good. To make a long story short, Hilton surrendered to God and accepted Jesus Christ into his life and he really did not care who was around. The tears flowed but God was in the midst of us and showed a love for Hilton like he had never known. It does not make a difference what you have done, where you have been, or what you are doing at this very moment, the only thing that can change your situation is you and inviting God into your life. You have no idea how much God loves you and you will never know until you first know how much God loved Jesus. He loved you so much that He gave you Jesus as a sacrifice so that you may be forgiven and loved beyond all understanding. God is ready to meet you right where you are and He is ready to forgive you and accept you. He will change you from the inside out and the only thing He asks of you is just to surrender. God loves you. He has always loved you and will continue to do so forever. You have a decision to make and that is to accept Him at His word and decide in your heart that the love He has for you is far greater than anything you have ever known. Ask Him to forgive you and accept Jesus today as your Lord and Savior and it will be the best decision you will ever make. We all had to go there and as for me I will never regret the decision I made that day that changed my life forever. No matter what comes at me, I will always know that God loves me and that He will never leave me nor forsake me and that speaks volumes to my heart. God bless you and it is not too late to receive Jesus today. When God calls you to the mission field, if you turn Him down, you may be missing out on the biggest blessing of your life. I remember years ago when God said to me to go to the Philippines and my response was in your dreams. I do not want to go to the Philippines nor do I even want to leave the country. God kept telling me to go and finally I told Him that it was going to cost around $3000 for us to go, so if He wanted me to go He would have to provide what I needed because there was no way I had it. My wife and I needed our passports and we needed the airfare plus expenses for the trip and we only had three weeks before we were to leave. Well to make a long story short, not only did God provide all we needed plus, He did it in a week and a half. We got our passports in less than a week and we had managed to raise about $3500. I think God really wanted us to go to the Philippines.
It was when we got to the Philippines that we understood the importance of our accepting the call of God when He says to go. The moment our plane touched down in Cebu Philippines, my wife and I looked at each other and we knew. We knew that this was where we belonged and we knew that the Philippines would become our mission field. Since our first trip God has shown us some of the most amazing things. He has taught us many things but I think the most valuable thing He taught us, is obedience. Though I was reluctant to answer the call, I did and I have never regretted that decision at all. My wife and I recently returned from a trip to the Philippines where God used us in a mighty way. We had planned our trip for over a year and just before we were to leave, the Philippines was hit with the largest storm ever recorded with winds over 235 mph. The storm had a name and it was Typhoon Yolanda. Yolanda tore through the islands leaving death and destruction in its path. It leveled cities to nothing more than rubble. It took away life as if it were just a leaf on a tree. No matter how you say it, it was the most destructive storm ever. My wife and I did not change our plans but we did have to adjust to our schedule. Some of the things we had planned were cancelled but other things replaced them things that were going to touch people’s lives forever. You see there is a very important reason why God chooses those who will be willing to answer His call. The reason may seem so far out in left field for us but it will be the best answer to what we need. In Isaiah 55 the bible says “for my ways are not your ways nor are my thoughts your thoughts declares the Lord”. We may not understand why He chose us or why He wants to use us but when we surrender to His call there will be no doubt in our minds that we had made the right choice. If I could give you any advice, I would tell you if you know that God is calling you and you are reluctant to answer, please do and it will be the best decision you have ever made. Your life will be changed forever and you will never be the same again, no never. God bless you and allow God to change your life, I know I did and I have never regretted that decision, EVER! |
AuthorAn Evangelist called to preach the gospel all over the world. To lay hands on the sick and to prophecy to everyone. Reaching out to the world that all may be saved. Archives
December 2021
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