Jesus did not just heal them, He healed them all.
Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, and all of them were healed. Acts 5:16 Jesus healed them all then and He will heal them all today. All of those who will surrender their lives and humble themselves He will heal. For all of those who will call out on the name of the Lord they will be saved and will be healed. God is no respecter of persons He treats everyone exactly the same. He loves us all no matter our shape, our size, our color; it makes no difference because we serve just one God. A God that loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son that we might be saved. It is in the Name of Jesus that we are saved. It is in the Name of Jesus that we are free from torment and pain. Just think, we don’t have to wait for Jesus to come walking by in order for us to be healed. Jesus will heal us right now and right where we are. For some reason, people seem to think that we are not good enough to be healed. They for some reason have been told the reason they were not healed was because of something they had done. This is ridiculous and people need to take a stand and say out loud, “Get thee behind me Satan”. The bible tells us that God wants us to be healed and the only thing we really need to do is to ask. Matthew 7:7 says to ask, seek and knock. How are we going to know if we can be healed unless we do those three things? So many times people ask God for healing or some other need and they don’t get it so they give up and use the excuse it was not meant to be. I can answer that with just one word, WRONG! Sometimes we have to ask and continue to ask. I like to call it PUSH {Pray Until Something Happens}. You have to keep pushing in and not give up. You have to keep seeking what God has for you and not stop looking because you did not see anything. You will go to a friend’s house and think you know they are home and you keep knocking waiting for them to answer but when it comes to God you knock once and then go away. Sometimes I think people give up and usually just before something happens. God wants people to continue to seek Him and to continue and not give up. I can give you proof of continuing to press in and not giving up. In 1984 I was seriously injured on the job. Having problems walking for a period of time, my back was in serious condition. The doctors told me that they would give me no more than a 20% chance of being able to walk if they did surgery. To me that was not good enough odds so I chose not to have surgery and would just have to push through the pain in my back. That was almost thirty years ago and to this day I still have pain in my back. I have not given up on God and what has come out of all of that is it is very easy for me to pray for others with back pain. I have seen them healed of back pains and the awesome thing is that every time I do pray more pain goes away in my own back. I believe God is still healing my back and one day it will be totally healed but in the meantime I will continue to PUSH and continue to ask, seek and knock. I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, and with that statement I know that I know God is there and I am being touched. If you are struggling with healing and you don’t know what to do, ask God, and He will give you the patience and persistence you will need. As you are seeking God for your healing, pray for others maybe suffering with the same thing you are and accept the prayer you pray for yourself as well and you will feel the presence of God in your life. Pray and don’t give up. Press in and don’t give up. Read Jeremiah 29:11 and then read it again and again. Pray it and in everything do it in the Name of Jesus. Your healing is coming and when you least expect it. God bless you and be healed in the Name of Jesus!
Lord if it’s you Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water. Come He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink, cried out, Lord save me. Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. You of little faith He said, why did you doubt? {Matthew 14:28-31}
There is a great lesson here to be learned, and it is keeping your focus on Jesus unless you want to sink. Think about all of the trials and tribulations that just the average person goes through and then think about all of the trials and tribulations you go through. If you are like me, my trials and tribulations seem to be far greater than anyone else at least that is what it seems like. But the story of Peter walking on the water seems to put everything into perspective, when you put your focus on Jesus everything else seems to disappear. If you are not a Christian you have no idea what I am talking about so I will elaborate for a few moments. The story of Peter is very simple and very much the way we should be. Peter seen someone out on the water and he asked to see if it was Jesus. Jesus replied that it was and so Peter asked Him to come out and join Him. Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on water as he kept his focus on Jesus. It was only when Peter noticed what was going on around him that he began to sink, then fear took over and he cried out to Jesus to save him which Jesus did. There in a nut shell is the story as well as the solution. We want to walk on water and we look to Jesus and ask Him to which He replies come on out. We step out of what our lives are all about and there we are walking on water, everything is going along great. We never had so much money left over after the bills, we never had so much excess as we begin to give our provisions away to those less fortunate, we are walking on the water with Jesus Christ and life is good. All of a sudden we notice the world around us and we soon forget about the water. There is a new bill or we don’t have anything for dinner and it is then we forget about what we were just doing in Christ and we begin to slip down and down and down. Some may recognize right away what is happening and call out to Jesus for help, but more times than not, we allow the things of this world to dictate what and how we are going to do things. We think to ourselves, if I could only go back to when I was walking on the water with Jesus things would surely get better. Here is the best news you will ever get other than Jesus who died on a cross just for you and was crucified so you did not have to pay the price for your sins. That good news is, you can still call out to Him and He will take you by the hand and lift you up and place your feet back on solid ground. You will once again be able to walk on water with Him as long as you keep your eyes focused on Him. If we would only recognize the fact of KEEPING OUR EYES FOCUSED ON JESUS we can walk on water and there is nothing we cannot do, we would be so much better off. But, we are human beings and though it sounds really good that we would never have to struggle again, we will. We will fall again and again and Jesus knows that about us. He tells us in Luke 9:23 that if we want to be a disciple of His we are to take up our cross daily and follow Him. Did you catch the key word there? DAILY! Daily means that we are going to forget unless we keep our eyes focused on Jesus. It means that unless we are so focused on Christ and what He can do for us that there is no way possible we can walk on the water. Jesus loves each and every one of us and He would love nothing more than to have us walking with Him. If you think that you have slid so far that you cannot be rescued then open your eyes and look straight ahead because Jesus is reaching out His hand and He is reaching out to you. Take heart and know that He is the Son of the Living God and He is there just for you. If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Savior or you have walked away for whatever reason it is not too late. All you need to do is to pray Father forgive me, come into my life and take control. Take me by the hand and lift me up so I can walk on the water with Jesus. I accept you as my Lord and Savior and ask you to take control of my life. Thank you for hearing me and I ask these things in the Name of Jesus. Amen! If you prayed that prayer then you are saved. The next thing you need to do is to get yourself into a bible believing church. Get yourself a bible and I would suggest you read the book of John first and then the other gospels. If you need help understanding what you should do is connect with another person that you may already know as a Christian or with the pastor of a church and they will guide you and disciple you in the Word. If you made that commitment you have made the best choice you ever could have made. Things will change because God promised and you can always count on Him. Get your focus back and keep your eyes on Jesus. In the name of Jesus I love you and I will be praying. Let me know your decision so I have a name to put with my specific prayer. God Bless You Have you ever asked yourself the question, why do we wait for problems in our life to turn to God? I ask myself that about every day. I read a story or someone says something about how their life is a total disaster and the punch line is, I asked God for His help, or they say something like, why did I wait so long before turning to God? Now you have asked the right question, why!
It never seems to amaze me of why people wait. Of course I am no different and have done the very thing, but I learned a valuable lesson that has changed my whole outlook on life and though I still struggle, it does not get to critical or too late. God has made a promise to each and every one of us and that is I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). If He has been there from the very start when you needed Him then and now you need Him even more, He is still there, nothing has changed. We all need to learn to put our trust and faith in God 24/7 instead of when we need Him. I have found that most situations never elevate to serious because my faith is in God that He will do what He says He will do and cover me. The bible Jesus says in that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you (John 16:23) Why would you want to wait? There are many trials we could avoid if we would only trust in Jesus at the start and not near the end. God will turn our trials into triumphs and our hurts into healings if we will just trust Him. The promise is true; “I will never leave you nor forsake you” Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) God loves you with a love that goes beyond anything we could ever dream or imagine and that is a love that will keep you safe and keep you in His arms. Be careful what you say and what you do because others are watching you. A few years ago I experienced that fact that others are indeed watching and waiting for you to mess up. One Sunday morning my wife and I stayed home from church because we were both sick. Later that afternoon I was feeling better and needed to go outside to get some fresh air. When I went out, my next door neighbor came over and said, “I noticed that you did not go to church today and I thought that you had stopped going”. It was then that I noticed that people do indeed watch you and the moment something happens they are the first to charge in and think that they know why something happened.
You need to be aware of the fact they are watching especially if you are a Christian. If they are watching what you do and say, it will have an effect on their life. The bible says in Matthew 5:13 that you are the salt of the earth, meaning that according to what you do and say your actions or words have an effect on people’s lives whether you are aware of it or not. I had no idea that my neighbor was watching what I did but as soon as there was a change to our routine he noticed. That is the very reason we are to be exactly the way Jesus is. The way Jesus is in heaven, so are we here on earth. The things you say and do can carry life or death. You might say that is really radical and how can my life be the difference of life or death? Easy to answer, if you profess to be a Christian and you act the same as the world, why would anyone want to follow Jesus? That person that may be watching you may be on the verge of surrendering their life to Christ and they see you and watch your actions and begin to think why should I follow Christ because what they have is no different from what I already have and they reject Him only to die the next day having never received Jesus in their life, the difference between life and death. We have power in our words and in our actions, and the sooner we recognize that, the more effective we are going to be in our witness to others. We need to determine in our hearts that regardless of what is going on around or in us we need to be the witness for Jesus that He wants us to be. You witness with your actions and with your words. You must be the same way Monday through Saturday as you are on Sunday. God has called us to be righteous and to be a witness to those who do not know Him. When we bless others, in turn we are blessed, the theory of sowing and reaping, or to put it another way, what goes around comes around. Be always vigil to be the person God has called you to be and always be aware of the fact that what we say and what we do is noticed by others around us. We need to be like Christ 24/7 and there is no other way to be. Be the love of Jesus to everyone and you will be effective in your quest to see lost souls surrender to Him. 1John 4:17 this is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day of Judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. Christ is our rock and if we will stand upon Him we cannot fail. Jesus loves you! |
AuthorAn Evangelist called to preach the gospel all over the world. To lay hands on the sick and to prophecy to everyone. Reaching out to the world that all may be saved. Archives
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