I always fail to understand how those who profess to be a Christian can on public social media post things, say things that in no way represent God at all. How misleading can they possibly be when God has called us to be separate from the world? The bible says Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God's will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect. (Romans 12:2). What part of do not be conformed to this world do they not understand? We are called to be a witness to the love of God and His grace for everyone.
I spent more than half of my life trying to discount God and what He stood for. I did and said everything I could think of without any reservation or knowledge of who God really was. It was not until the day I reached the very bottom and had nowhere to go that He came to me and offered me a brand new way. The message I heard was life changing and took me to a place of peace and maybe not understanding but a new way of life, (It took a few years for me to gain the understanding part). Of all of the things I learned about being a Christian, one of the most important was that I needed to be different in the way I talked and the way I did things. I was still the same person on the outside but it was on the inside that the change began. I spend a lot of time on social media reaching out to those who maybe don’t know God or maybe at one time they did but turned away and I really don’t see how posting things that are vulgar or rude are going to speak into the lives of those people. Everyone needs to understand that God loves them and He loves them with the same love He has for Jesus. Why would the world want to come to Jesus if they see those Christians posting things that are of the world? If it sounds like I am picking on those Christians who do those posts, then you are exactly right. God changed this life in ways most people will never understand and I want everyone to come to Christ and not run from Him. Do not be conformed to this world is what I read and that to me meant I had to be different and if different meant changing then change I will do. My message will always be the same, God loves you and if you don’t know Him then you need to know that. You need to know that even though you think you are too far gone, you aren’t. God will come and meet you right where you are at and it makes no difference to Him what you are doing just as long as you turn to him. When I came to the Lord, I was doing drugs and in no way shape or form was a candidate to be a Christian, but God. But God when I got to a place in my life when everything I tried failed miserably. I had lost my job for threatening to kill a fellow employee and to top everything off, I had a wife and two daughters to take care of. That was when God showed His mighty hand, my wife was going to church on a Sunday morning and she asked me to go with her. I accepted and went and when I got there God was already waiting. After the message there was an invitation to give your heart to Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. I had no idea what I was doing or even how I got to the front of the church, but I knew there was something there and I knew that He loved me. I made the decision to surrender my life to Jesus and it has been the best decision I have ever made. I am up sometimes and down on others but I know that God loves me and I am going to do my very best to represent Christ in a way that draws people to Him and not drive them away. Always remember this, God loves you and He has the very best for you and all you have to do is just say yes and mean it with your heart and you will never be the same again, I guarantee it.
There are so many people today that really can’t grasp ahold of the idea that Jesus can heal today as He did over two thousand years ago. They want to be healed but they head to man to find out what they need to do to be healed. Don’t get me wrong, God gave doctors the ability to do what they do but when it comes to the miracle healing they fall very short of the mark.
There are conditions to miracles and I suppose it would depend upon what kind of miracle you need and if it is in the realm of what man can do. In the movie Faith like Potatoes, Angus Buchan described the two conditions. The first condition for a miracle is difficulty. This is what I would call in the realm of what our modern doctors are capable of. They have been given the ability by God to provide this type of miracle and many people see it as a miracle. For example someone says this was my illness and it is a miracle that the doctors were able to find it and heal me. The second condition for a miracle is impossibility. There are many sicknesses that go so far beyond what man can do and under this condition only God can perform it. God is the only one because He is the God of Impossibility. For instance a person has terminal cancer and the doctors have done all they can and have given the person only months or weeks to live. It is totally impossible for healing except through Jesus Christ. Nothing is impossible for God and I mean absolutely nothing. I go around speaking and telling people about the things God can do and yet there are those who no matter what cannot give in to trust in Jesus for their healing. There are those who would say that I am following a myth and that I am wasting my time because it will never happen. Well let me tell you about what I know about miraculous healing and how the impossible becomes possible through Jesus Christ. In my own life I have had a heart attack and God healed me, I have had cancer and again God healed me, just to mention just two. When my wife and I travel to the Philippines we preach the Good News and the healing power of Jesus Christ. We have seen God do things that we know are totally impossible for men. One story I will share of a miraculous healing of the impossible. We were ministering in Tomas Oppus Leyte Philippines when a young woman was literally drug to the front by her friend for prayer for healing. It was very obvious that this woman had no desire to be there. I began to ask the woman some questions and she was willing to respond. One of the questions I asked her was, your friend is very concerned about you and there must be something going on in your body that triggers that concern? She began to tell me that just a few days before we came to minister she was told by her doctor that she had terminal stomach cancer and that he gave her less than a month to live. She said she had cried out to God but He did not respond and she knew that there was no such person as God and therefore she did not want prayer. I asked the woman to at least allow me to pray for her because after all I had come five thousand miles and at least it would satisfy my calling. The woman allowed me to pray for her with a lot of reservations. I had my wife put her hand on the woman’s stomach and I placed my hand on her hand and I prayed for total and complete healing. I thanked the woman for allowing me to pray for her and she went back to her seat at the back of the church. After about twenty or thirty minutes of praying for others, the pastor came to me and told me that I needed to come to the back of the church immediately. We rushed to the back and there was the woman setting there in what looked like a glow around her. I asked her what she was feeling. She responded by telling me that when she returned to her seat it felt like something on fire entered in through the top of her head and went all of the way down her body. Almost instantly I felt the Lord tell me that she was completely healed. I told the woman to go to her doctor and let him tell her what had happened. About four months later as I was going in to a staff meeting at church, I got a telephone call from my pastor friend in Cebu. He told me that he was back in Tomas Oppus and the woman that we had prayed for had gone to the doctor and she was indeed completely healed and was 100% cancer free. He said it was the impossible and that God had truly healed that woman. God is still in the healing business today because the bible tells us that He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. What God did two thousand years ago He does today and in the very same way. The bible says in Matthew 19:26, for man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. The key words there are WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. The second condition for a miracle, IMPOSSIBILITY! So, if you are one of those people who cannot grasp ahold of God’s healing power, just relax and don’t think about it, just trust in Him and He will take it from there. God loves you with a love that far surpasses anything you will ever know or understand. He loves you so much that He gave His only Son that if you would just believe in Him and give Him a chance He will show you things that will baffle you. If you don’t know how much God loves you just take a look at how much He loved Jesus and He loves you that much. Surrender your paranoia and your doubt and give God a chance and I will guarantee you, you will never be the same again, NEVER! God bless you and be healed in the Name of Jesus! Jesus said that the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy. He sneaks in and without notice disrupts our lives in ways that to us seem just a normal day or a normal action. The enemy is deceitful and he makes what is bad look as though it were good.
In our society today there are literally thousands of people on the path to hell unless they change their life or lifestyle. Satan has subtly presented some act or something that is against everything in the bible and because it is so subtle we don’t recognize it and then all of a sudden we see it and know that it is wrong but we have accepted it. Satan says that you don’t need God when you can have all the world has to offer. You find yourself accepting things that you know was wrong in order to keep up with the Jones’. Satan says it is okay God surely won’t judge you for that and subtly you say I am a Christian and it is nothing like murder or something like that and therefore you move away from God and His Word and accept the wrong. Sin is sin and it does not matter how small it is all the same. Little lie, same as murder, doing something that you know is wrong but not hurting anyone, the same as murder. Sin is sin and there is no middle ground. Each time you say or do something that does not line up with the Word of God you are allowing the enemy to win. We cannot allow the enemy to win because it will lead to our destruction. You cannot continue to do something wrong and do it in the name of Christianity knowing that God will forgive you. Eventually you are going to face something that you have not expected and the price will have to be paid. Will God forgive you? Yes! Will God allow us to continue the way we are? Probably not! Not without having to pay a price. Consider this for the sake of discussion. You constantly drive 20 miles per hour over the posted speed limit. (Sin because the bible says to obey the laws of the land) Every day you push the limit further and further beyond until one day out of nowhere, red and blue lights come on behind you and you get pulled over by the police. (Pay the price for that you have ignored) For every action against what we know is right there is a reaction. We cannot continue to turn our backs on what the bible says and do our own thing because every time we do we are allowing the enemy to win. We cannot allow the enemy to win we must keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ and when those who do not agree come against us we have the Word of God as our defense and we need to do what the bible says turn the other cheek. God does not need us to fight His battles, so turn your battles over to him and don’t allow the enemy to win. Just in case you haven’t done it or haven’t heard it before, read the bible and read it to the end and you will find all of the directions in life and at the back of the book the truth will be revealed and you will find that we win. The battle will be over and we win. But, in the meantime don’t allow the enemy to win those daily battles and sneak in and convince you that what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong. Ask God to show you and if it does not line up with what God says it is wrong. |
AuthorAn Evangelist called to preach the gospel all over the world. To lay hands on the sick and to prophecy to everyone. Reaching out to the world that all may be saved. Archives
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