There are people all around the world who are feeling that there is no one who loves them and at the same time there is no one out there telling them that there is one person who loves them more than they will ever know and His name is Jesus. I would like to think that maybe they haven’t made a connection yet but deep down inside I know that is not true.
As for me, I want everyone to know that God loves them more than they could ever dream or think. You can’t even imagine how much God loves you. The funny thing is you will never know how much God loves you until you first understand how much God loves Jesus. We get an excellent look at how much in John 3:16, and instead of the world replace that word with me. It would read, “For God so loved me that He gave His one and only Son”. Did you notice that? He loved you so much that He gave not just an immaterial gift, He gave His very best and that was His one and only Son just so you would know exactly how much He loves you. If you have any doubts about the love God has for you, the only thing you really need to do is read that verse and read it over and over again if that what it takes but read it. When you read ask God to be a part of your life, ask Him to reach down and wrap His arms around you and if nothing else just hold you. God hears those prayers and requests and He does not take them lightly. You will feel His presence in your life and then you will know. God is not one to lie and when He says He loves you, you will know that you know and there will never be another doubt. I challenge you to try to out love God. Try to show Him that you care more about Him. Try as you will, you will never love Him more and never have the compassion that He has for you because He gave. He gave and that is all you need to know. He gave that you would have eternal life and that is a love that surpasses anything you will ever understand. It is with that love He made you and it is with that love that He made a way for you to not only love yourself but love others as well. God loves you and He has always loved you. He made a promise to you and He put it in His Word so you would never forget, He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” Deuteronomy 31:8. He promised that He would always be there and that is a promise you can take to the bank and that is ALWAYS BE THERE Not only does God love you but so do I. We may have never met or may not know each other at all, but the promise and the words of John 3:16 have been engraved on my heart and it is with the word and the promises God that has placed that love there. Jesus said in His two new commandments to us when He said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34 Jesus said as I have loved you, and continue to love you and that is why you must love one another. If I can encourage you, don’t reach out to people, reach out to God and you will know. God loves you!
You need to be positive in your comments, in your actions and in your life period. Jesus told us in Matthew “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Notice that He said you could speak to your mountain, He did not say that you should write it a letter or that you should tell someone else about it. No! Jesus said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, just a little bit of faith, maybe just enough that you could possibly think there was an outside chance, you could speak and say to that mountain to move from here to there and IT WILL MOVE. Speak positive and with all of the authority that has been given you by God. Leave nothing out and make a firm stand and speak, lack of finances in the Name of Jesus leave and more than enough come, or sickness leave in the Name of Jesus and good health come.
God has given each of us the authority to speak to our circumstances in order to change them. If He had not, then why would He have put it in the bible? Jesus said before He was taken up into Heaven, these things you have seen me do you too will do but even greater. Jesus did not go around saying to himself, well I think I will write that sickness a letter and ask it to leave, or He did not go around wondering if that sickness would ever leave. Jesus spoke directly, firmly and positively to that sickness and it left, then He said what you have seen me do you too will do but even greater. Sounds to me like He wants us to take authority in our lives in His name and send the enemy packing. You need to understand that God is living in you and He is always there for you and when you make up your mind that you are going to follow Him then following Him means that His power, His authority lives deep inside you. Jesus says if you do it in my Name nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20). Jesus said that there would be an advocate come into our lives and would be there forever (John 14:16). You have all you need in Jesus and you have the working of the Holy Spirit in your life to give you the authority to speak to your mountain. You need to name your mountain and then speak to it. Your mountain can be cancer, heart problems, depression, sickness, finances, job, family or any number of things. Just name that mountain and then speak to it with all of the authority of Jesus and it will move, it will move, IT WILL MOVE. With that faith and that authority in you then nothing will be impossible for you. Speak those things that are not as though they were, speak them into existence. Be positive and know that God is right there with you and He is waiting to move on your behalf when you speak. Speak to that mountain and tell it to leave in the Name of Jesus. Speak with the authority of Christ and know that you know God will take care of it. Draw a line in the sand and then tell Satan that this is it, give back all you have stolen from me and I claim it all in the mighty Name of Jesus. Speak it-I am healed in the Name of Jesus. Speak it-Abundance come in the Name of Jesus. Just speak it and make it positive, then once you have spoken it claim it in the Name of Jesus. The victory is yours and you are not you might be, you will and not you might, you can, not you cannot. Say it and don’t go back, keep your eyes focused on Jesus and claim the victory. I know you can, I know you will, and I know you are and I claim that in the Name of Jesus. Amen! God bless you and pour out more blessings in your life than you could have ever dreamed or even thought of. Why do we doubt God?
What is it inside of some that they doubt that God exists? What is it that we doubt that God can heal us. Why is it that we want to believe but just can’t? The answer to these questions could be from vague to so easy that when you hear it you immediately think I should have known that. The answer to these questions in my opinion is nothing more than FAITH. A faith that you can’t explain it but something is different but you know that you know everything is going to be alright. I don’t think that most of us even believe that God can or God would heal us. We live from day to day in pain or with problems that if we could get rid of them would change our lives forever. We go from person to person looking and searching for healing in our lives and yet we don’t seem to receive a thing. We know that God exists, but we can’t see beyond our problem to allow God to move in our hearts and lives. God is our healer and He wants nothing more than to heal us and the only thing He asks in return that we believe in Him and that we love Him, nothing more or nothing less just love Him. When we can come to the realization of the love of God we will see great and mighty things happening in our lives from healing of our physical body to miraculous delivery of our finances, our families and so on. God does choose people to be the vehicle that He uses to lay hands on those inflicted and then He heals, but it is not the person who does the healing and that is where many go astray. Remember I said earlier that they go from person to person seeking their healing, there lies the problem. It is not the person it is God and God alone. Stop searching for something that is not there and turn to God and you will find that what you are looking for. Man can give you absolutely nothing but God can and will give you everything. Your search is over and you no longer need to keep searching, God will heal you and He will touch you. With my wife, we have had the honor and privilege to witness the moving of God’s hand in a person’s life as they are healed and set free. Like I said, He may use us or someone to lay hands on the person but it is Him and Him alone that the healing takes place. We need to get past the doubt that God exists and past the doubt that He will heal you and only believe and have faith in Him that He will do what He says He will do. If you are still having problems with that then pick up a bible and begin to read it and you will see His power move as you read. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and He is doing the same healings the same miracles as He did over 2000 years ago. Nothing has changed not will change and it will always be that way. Trust in Jesus Christ and experience a move of God like nothing could ever imagine. Take your eyes off of your sickness your need and place it in the hands of Christ and leave it with Him and He will heal you. Stop searching unproductive sources and turn to God and be touched. If there is anything that I have learned in my years of following Jesus, there is nothing that He won’t do if you only put your faith in Him. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by following Him. I know, Jesus healed me not once but twice, once from a heart attack and the second time from cancer. It was not because of some person, some event or anything, it was because He loves me the exact same way and with the exact same love that He has for you. I have the faith to know what God says is true because of my experiences and you can have that very same experience, just turn to Jesus and allow Him to move in your life. Be healed in the Name of Jesus. Have faith and know that He is God and nothing will be impossible for you. I recently seen a post on Facebook that said “cherish every moment and every person in your life because you never know when it will be the last time you see someone”. There is so much truth in this statement yet there are people today who never stop to take the time with others and just take for granted that they will always be there. If something drastic happens to a friend or a loved one and you did not take the time to cherish the time you had with them then there is guilt on your part and you begin to beat yourself up.
You need to understand how important those people in your life are. God put each and every one of them in your life for a reason and a purpose. You may not see what the reason or the purpose is at the time and that is why cherishing the people in your life is so important. You can’t take people for granted and then punish yourself when they are no longer there. You need to recognize the importance of those people and try to glean from them their wisdom and their knowledge not to mention their friendship. All of these are very valuable to you and once you do realize it you will be blessed beyond all understanding. I have run into many people in my life who I have discounted only to later find how much they meant to me and my life. I have been through the regret period to no avail, you can’t go back. God has taught me and shown me how to seize every opportunity and if there was anything that I could say to you it would be listen to your heart and take every opportunity to glean from those God puts in your path. There is a reason they are there and though you may not see it at the time, it will be revealed to you along your life path. Jesus said have love for another even as I have loved you, so are you to have love for one another John 13:34. If there is anything I have learned in my walk with Jesus, it is I have learned how to love. I cannot express the importance enough on love. When we love others there seems to be a release mechanism instilled inside of you and things seem to change almost instantly. I wish I could explain it better but the experience of loving a person who has come into your with no understanding is so rewarding. You don’t know them have never seen them yet there is something about them. You never know when you are entertaining an angel and how the blessing you are about to receive will change your life forever and bless you far beyond anything you could ever imagine. Be vigilant in your times with others. Don’t let the busyness of this world distract you from the blessings of our Father. Seize each moment and lock it away in your heart and the blessings of God will be poured out into your life. For some of you I have come into your life for a reason even though we have never met or seen each other, I know that something I will say will be that release you are looking for. Something I write will hit deep within you and there will be power flow into you and you will be healed or you will be delivered. Only God knows why you read this blog, but there is a reason. God bless you and make your experiences of everyday a power and anointing to you. It has been an awesome week. My wife and I joined the YMCA on Wednesday, went and
did deep water aerobics on Thursday, almost died from the aerobics (not really) because I am so out of shape and other than that it was awesome. I have made a decision though; exercise is not what it is cracked up to be and especially deep water aerobics. We are going to change to shallow water aerobics because it is less intensive and work our way up to deep water. Our plan is to swim two days a week and work out on the machines three days a week and rest the other two. I am almost certain that after the first day on the machines I will be ready to rest the other six instead. We are determined to get ourselves back into shape because I know that God is about to do something in our lives and in our ministry that is going to not only amaze us, but the rest of the world as well. We have been doing what we have had in our hands to do for the past sixteen years and we are so ready for whatever God has for us. As most of you already know, we are heading to the Philippines in November to do two Pastor’s Conferences and nine evenings of Miracle Crusades and I have been having dreams of both of them and what I see is miraculous. I know we speak things into existence and God did say call those things that are not as though they were, and that is exactly what we are doing. Lorraine and I both feel that this trip is going to be like no other and that God is going to move in ways we really can’t even dream of. One thing is for sure though, we are now preparing ourselves for what is about to take place. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it must move. Nothing will be impossible for you”. My focus is the nothing will be impossible for you. God is ready to move in our lives and we need to grasp a hold of that mustard seed faith and realize for ourselves that nothing is truly impossible for us if we seek Jesus first and foremost above all else. Jesus again in the scriptures told us, for man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). In other words if we have our total and complete trust in Him, He will do for us what we cannot do ourselves. Sound to me like nothing will be impossible for us through Christ. What an awesome thought, have Jesus in your life and trust in Him and there is nothing you cannot do. That is our mind set as we set out to the Philippines, there is nothing we cannot do through Him who strengthens us, and with Him at our side we can accomplish the impossible. I want to remind you to constantly be in the Word and don’t just look at a scripture and think that was for them back then because everything that God did back then is exactly for us right now in this place at this time. The bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and that translates to what He did then He will do today and tomorrow. Do you need a miracle today? God has the answer and He is waiting for you to ask. You might say, yes but what I need will take a miracle because it is totally impossible. Guess what you can have your miracle today right now because we serve a God of impossibility and He would like nothing more than to give you that miracle ONLY BELIEVE! That is all God is asking of you BELIEVE never doubt. Too many times we give up and probably when we were going to receive from Him. He did not withhold it from us, He wanted us just to believe in Him and press in. We have seen miracles in the Philippines and God will do those same miracles here there and everywhere to those who will accept Him and trust in Him to do what He says He will do. There is nothing on this earth that is impossible for Him and there is no force in this world that can stop Him. When you accept the fact that there is nothing you can do and turn to Jesus Christ, you are going to see His power and authority and the only question you will have is, why did I wait so long? God loves you and Lorraine and I love you with that exact same love because He loves us. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and you will see great things begin to happen. Matthew 9:29 Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith let it be done to you";
Jesus had so much compassion on the least of these. He told the two blind men “do you believe I can do this” to which they replied that they did, and on that note Jesus healed them. It wasn’t the fact that they were blind and that they need healing, it was the fact that they had the faith to know they could be healed. It is our faith that moves God. It is our faith that prompts a response that is so miraculous that we are healed in the name of Jesus. If you stop to think about it Jesus is telling us that if we have the faith and know that He will heal us we will be healed. Your faith is what sets you free. It is your faith that will heal you. Your faith is far more powerful than you will ever know. I don’t think that there is one of us that even have a clue to how powerful our faith is. The bible says that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains. It says that you can speak to your mountain and it will move. Have you any idea about that power? If we will just put a fraction of our faith into action there is really nothing we can’t do. Faith is a powerful thing and it can change your life in ways you and I will never understand. There are other areas in our lives that we never stop to consider and if we do consider it we never seem to put into action, and that is the gifts that God has given us with our faith. The bible says in Romans 12:6 we have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; did you see it? In accordance with our faith, we can prophesy. According to our faith each and every gift from God will be put into action. What are we waiting for? God by His great grace has given us a gift so amazing and most of us never seem to realize what we have. We have a sure thing and yet we are always seeking out others to pray for us or to lay hands on us and all the while it is our faith that is going to set us free and heal us. Of course God is the one who will do it but our faith is what prompts Him into action. God wants us healed and set free from all of the perils that come our way in this world, but He also wants us to use the faith that He has given to us and not let it go to waste. Faith is substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1). All of us know that faith exists and though we are uncertain what it will bring, we all need to just put it into action and follow the guidance of Christ down a path that leads to total deliverance, total peace, and total health, total everything that we have been hoping for in our lives. Let go and let God and you will never regret it one bit. God bless you and there is a lot of sense in that old saying, keep the faith. With all that is within you praise the Lord and have the best life anyone could have ever asked for. It is by faith we open up our lives to all of the gifts of God. |
AuthorAn Evangelist called to preach the gospel all over the world. To lay hands on the sick and to prophecy to everyone. Reaching out to the world that all may be saved. Archives
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